The main thing bodypainting has taught me is smth I’d call a physical confidence. Kind of body positivity but in a different, not so popular as ‘I am cool bitch’ way. I’m still rather critical about how I look like. I still think my body is a temple and feel guilty when I go too far with my cheat meals. 😆 But finally I am fine.
The idea is to take care of your body, work out, eat healthy, visit nutritionists and doctors when you need it, move more, learn more and be more. There is also an old Rick’s quote I love. ‘Working out is modern couture. No outfit is going to make you look or feel as good as having a fit body. Buy less clothing and go to the gym instead’.
I believe your body is your first message to the world. The first page of your book. But that’s all. What is the message is up to you. You don’t have to be slim, skinny, tanned, white, androgynous, shredded etc. You don’t have to have a mustache or long legs. You just should treat your body as your friend. Admit it, respect it, push it to be better and don’t let it down. Don’t judge it and omg don’t get embarrassed when it is not in its best shape. Till your releationship is healthy you are ok.